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  • Details

    • Buyer & Seller can post up to 10 listings on the Kisan 369 platform.
    • Enjoy full access to the Kisan 369 platform for 30 days.
    • Showcase your products to potential buyers & Seller and expand your market reach.
    • Including contact details of interested buyers & Seller.
    • Seamlessly connect with buyers & Seller and negotiate deals directly.
    • Track views
    • Inquiries
    • Sales to optimize your selling strategy.
    • Stay informed with regular alerts for timely updates on your listings and relevant market trends.
    • Never miss an opportunity to engage with potential buyers & Seller maximize your sales.
    • Benefit from wide coverage on all Indian buyers and sellers within the Kisan 369 community.
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  • Details

    • Buyer & Seller can post up to 3 listings on the Kisan 369 platform.
    • Enjoy full access to the Kisan 369 platform for 7 days.
    • Showcase your products to potential buyers & Seller and expand your market reach.
    • Including contact details of interested buyers & Seller
    • Seamlessly connect with buyers & Seller and negotiate deals directly.
    • Track views
    • Inquiries
    • Sales to optimize your selling strategy.
    • Stay informed with regular alerts for timely updates on your listings and relevant market trends.
    • Never miss an opportunity to engage with potential buyers & Seller maximize your sales.
    • Benefit from wide coverage on all Indian buyers and sellers within the Kisan 369 community.
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Farmer ರೈತ किसान

Validity : 7   Days
₹ 99
  • Details

    • Farmers can post up to 3 listings on the Kisan 369 platform.
    • Enjoy full access to the Kisan 369 platform for 7 days
    • Showcase your products to potential buyers and expand your market reach.
    • Including contact details of interested buyers.
    • Seamlessly connect with buyers and negotiate deals directly.
    • Track views
    • Inquiries
    • Sales to optimize your selling strategy.
    • Stay informed with regular alerts for timely updates on your listings and relevant market trends.
    • Never miss an opportunity to engage with potential buyers and maximize your sales.
    • Benefit from wide coverage on all Indian buyers and sellers within the Kisan 369 community.
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